The symbolism behind the Disciple's Cross for Christians is one of rejoicing, peace, and thankfulness. Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, did something by His death for me that allowed me to enter Heaven's gates t live with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Because of my sin, I was separated from God, who is all perfect and full of unconditional love. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit loved me so much the way that I am with my imperfections that they did not to live in Heaven without me. They came up with a plan for Jesus, the Son, to go to earth and die as punishment for my sins, paying the price for me. This is the ultimate health a person can have, coming in right relationship with God. When we give our lives to God and become a Christian, God is constantly perfecting us bit by bit, and preparing us to live in Heaven with Him.
A cross is not just a piece of jewelry that we worship. It is 100% hand-crafted by my company in the United Statesof America. It has three distinct components that have representation. The simulated leather cord that reminds us of the leather straps used to beat our savior, Jesus Christ. The wrapped wire stands for the thorn branches twisted into a crown to mock the King of Kings. The nails represent the large spikes driven into the hands and feet of the Lord of Lords. Wear the Disciple's Cross Jesus daily to remind you of the sacrifice that Jesus made for you. It fills you with supernatural empowerment to use throughout your day. He might give you a challenging assignment to do that day. We can act courageously to try to do things He is prompting us to do frm within and act in accordance with His principles.
Wearing the Disciple's Cross has has life changing effects. I strongly encourage you to purchase one of these crosses foryourself, your Christian friends, or Non-Christian friends as gifts. You may change their eternal home. The impact of your gift is profound, as you know the Word of God has power beyond our understanding.
There is a scripture verse from the Bible talking about this. Then Jesus said to His disciple's, "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself , take up his cross and follow me." MATTHEW 16:24
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