Sunday, November 25, 2007
Health Center Added
These workouts contain both yoga or upper and lower body workouts that a trainer would do with you if you hired him , which would cost you a lot of money! Luckily, this is free of cost , plus 2 consultations with a trainer as well.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tai Chi for Seniors
Click here.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Joining a Social Community I Helped Start Up
The new social community that you can join if you want to is If you are Christian, you would enjoy being part of it. Fred Christy and Val Magdich are helping start and run it, too. We live in Orlando, Florida area. I have posted a lot of pictures of my family and friends. We are trying to spread the word about that also.
.I hope you are interested in joining yourself. I am a member of My Space, His Holy Space, Shout Life. I just am part of starting a brand new one, Christians of America. It's URL is
I took a video talking to and greeting them. Click here to view it.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Would You Like To Heal Yourself With Music Or Sound?
Dr. Andrew Weil and Kimba Arem in "Self-Healing With Sounds and Music" explained how there are energy centers in the body should be in balance. If the energy gets off balance, it causes disturbances of our health and illness in the body. We need to be sensitive to the sounds we are letting into our day and judge whether they are doing us good or causing agitation and imbalances.
Indian and Chinese Medicine uses energy centers, chakras, in the body that could get out of balance and cause illnesses and disturbances. We have the medium of music that is free and an inexpensive way to effective way to transform your mood or restore us psychologically.
The Gregorian chanting and playing the gong are very powerful ways that heal our bodies through vibrations. I love the meditation, relaxation part of my Kundalini yoga class when the teacher plays the gong.
Our whole world is vibrations, like alpha, beta, delta, theta waves. Sound affects our minds and bodies very much. Take note that our bodies are made up of 70% water.
Prayer is word that words that vibrate and heal our balance or bring enlightenment to the brain. If we play relaxation music, it will soothe us. If we play loud, blaring music, it will agitate us and maybe cause us anxiety.
So how do you think this healing is taken place through sounds? All matter vibrates, like visible light and invisible cosmic rays. I am suggesting that we get healed through vibrations.
God created the Universe with it's own healing mechanism. In India, people chant OM for their healing and connection with the universe. The Western World doctors do not recognize the energy that the Eastern style of medicine admits and lives by.
Sounds do have a very strong affect on us, calming agitating us. We must be sure we subject ourselves to sounds that heal us, if possible. You should pay close attention to sounds you are hearing a they affect the subconscious as well.
Friday, November 9, 2007
Relaxation Music
Relaxation Music
Pet Club
I wrote an ezine article entitled, "Pets Enhance Human Existence." you can read it as follows:
There are extremely powerful benefits living with pets. That explains why the number of pet owners keeps increasing until now they have reached 69.1 million people in the United States, ranging from childhood through the elderly. One benefit to man I see is that the dog in my home is a dependable, loyal companion. The dog loves man without judgment. This aspect is unconditional love in human life. Pets love man unconditionally. They fill a void when children do not exist in the home with their personalities. A feeling of safety is provided by a dog's presence. Hearing and sight are keener for pets than in man, so their presence of a stranger can trigger barking as a warning. Dog owners from childhood to the disabled, blind, or elderly benefit .
Families grow better children when they have a pet. Taking care of feeding and cleaning up after their pet teaches them responsibility animal behavior and about death. Children must learn gentleness, kindness, and patience. Children develop higher self-esteem and improved social skills. Pets teach how to respect other living things. Pets in the family encourage more physical activity in children, thus boosting their immune systems. Higher immune systems cause better school attendance. Pets help the children to develop better non-verbal communication skills. Pets are safe, reliable confidants to children. These factors cause children to grow up as better human beings.
Pets help you have better health in the following ways. Pets reduce stress and control high blood pressure. Pets motivate owners to owners to be more active and spend more time outside. Pet owners visit the doctor less, since they have a stronger heart muscle, improving circulation. Pet owners have a greater well-being and feel less depression. Pets allow the disabled, blind person to live independently. Pets allow the elderly to be more independent and the handicapped to overcome.
Rejuvenating Solutions has come up with a Pet Club that you could join. We rejoice about having pets and want to provide for the needs of animals. The Pet Club Section on that web-site has a section that you can display pictures of your dogs. Click at
Add your pet's picture also and tell us how beautiful your pet is. Rejuvenating Solutions also has a special section for herbal pet products the product line to aid the pets if they have ailments. This could be something you buy your pet for Christmas.
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