Thursday, October 16, 2008
RELIV Working to Improve My Huntington's Disease
Hi I found out that RELIV products work to improve our medical problems. I have been taking RELIV products for 4 months now because I had a genetic disease called Huntington's Disease, which is an involuntary muscle disorder.My voice on the phone and in person was garbley, I moved around uncontrolably, hard to balance, and I had a stiffening in my feet. After 4 months, my voice is clearer on my phone messagges, my foot taps in my dance moves, my gait is improved because I have better muscle control on tops of my feet. My movements, chorea are less.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Extatic That I Have New Appartment With Pool and Jacuzzis
I was looking at the apartmentts on the Affordable Housing for Orange County plus looking at a lot of rooms for rent in the area. I found a a complex that has one bedrooms very reasonable, $536.00.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Live Tai Chi Video

I do Tai Chi and Yoga for the health benefits. Deep breathing, balance is improved, muscle strength is strengthened, twists and some tai chi moves empty internal organs, body posture with head below with brain below heart, like shoulder stand and downward dog, deep muscle relaxation, as tai chi is done with body very relaxed. The arms moving around makes the body develop more healing energy. After the tai chi session, my body feels all tingley, energized and not too tired. The body is being healed during an hour of tai chi sessions and the massage and accupuncture sections.The neural system gets stimulated by light finger tapping on whole head and concentrating on back of head, too.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Active Exercise Necessary for Anti-Aging Benefits
Hard Aerobics such as cross-country skiing, biking, racing, swimming, downhill skiing, running and jogging are the hard type of aerobic exercise that enable anti-aging, or growing younger. I have discovered a safer form of biking where the body does not have to balance and possibly get hurt. I found a 3 wheeled trike to ride. I enjoy that immensely for exercise! Sometimes I include the machines instead of exercising out doors I the elements.Golf and walking on the beach do not consist of aerobic exercise that your brain and rest of the body need to grow younger. This quote is from Younger Next Year, by Chris Crowley,and Henry Lodge.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Beauty of Home Garden
We have some new plants that are different for me to see. One is the Moon Flower. It is the only plant that blooms at night. We are seeing that one bloom for the first time tonight. It is a large, white bloom about 4 inches across and it is just beautiful! Spectacular! I will show you a picture of them when I get my camera to take them. They close up at night, but they close up around 11:00 in the mprning. I will get my camera out in day light. It is raining now so the plants get rained by nature. God's rain is best for the plants as opposed to watering with the hose.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
yoga Teacher's Graduation Party
I will really miss my yoga teacher. She has graduated as a UCF Psychology major and is going to NY for her graduate school, near her boyfriend that she is engaged to. I was in her yoga sessions and she adds in hypnosis into the sessions to suggest that we feel more relaxed, healed, and suggests a colored light coming into our body. healing us, Last Saturday she had a pool party to celebrate with us. Saturday, I went to her party and took pictures. I will post the still shots that were taken.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Moving from Older, Delapidated Home to Nice Condo
We were living in an older home that needed a lot of repair, that became depressing at times. There was an older pool that had leaks and faulty filter system, so it was always unsanitary and not filtered. The level of the pool was constantly seeping down so the clorine did not do an appropriate job. Tadpoles, baby frogs, were growing in the pool, making so much noise at night it was hard to sleep. neighbors would call over the fence to kill the frogs! At first I thought I would enjoy living with my workout buddy. I was caring for the plants that Fred and I planted. My feet tripped for a second and I almost fell into the pool. I got freightened about continuing to live with my workout buddy. I thought about how toxic it was if I fell in the pool and what I would do.
As we loooked in Craig's List online and there were tons of rooms for rent since the price of
as is going so high and people looking for ways to earn extra money. The room we got was very beautiful and my landlord is a good quality of a person, going at UCF for an advanced degree in Film. I love living in Winter Park with wood floors, beautifully decorated couch, rug, and pillows. Fred uses a separate room for his office, so we get along better. See pictures of Fred sitting in his new office.I love having lot of room, a bachelor living here, who does not have tons of goods inhabiting the new place., so I can bring lots from my storage unit.It will be less expensive, considering I will get rid of a lot of storage and move to a closer storage unit and less distance to travel.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The psychologist Abraham Maslow discovered that that human beings need love just as much as they need proteins, vitamins, and minerals.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Back From Atlanta
I had a wonderful time visiting my friends in Cumming, GA, Danny and Sheila Wheeler. Danny was a talented guitar player that played acoustical guitar with my former husband, George Betz. They met in the Air Force in Panama City. They were at Tyndall Air Force Base together. They bought electronic equipment like Electric guitars, Sound systems, synthesizers and started practicing to play out at clubs with their band. Danny and Geeorge had very melodic voices, pleasing to the ears.
I went to visit this couple again after 30 years. They are so much fun and very kind, nice people. They bought me some jewelry to remember Atlanta with.
I went to visit this couple again after 30 years. They are so much fun and very kind, nice people. They bought me some jewelry to remember Atlanta with.
Monday, April 14, 2008
AMA Doctor Finds Exercise is a Good Prexscription Drug For All
America Medical Association is now starting to tell us that exercise is as good or better than any drug we can take for ourselves. Not all doctors realize this and and prescribe this to their clients. A Sports Medicine Doctor, named Bob Sallis, was recently named President of American College of Sports Medicine. He is starting an initiative to promote "Exercise is Medicine". This initiative seeks prescriptions for exercise.Patients who have diabetes have it reversed through exercise. Insurance companies need to realize that they will a lot less in the end if they pay for a trainer to work out with them as it prevents millions of dollars of treatment cost through drugs and treatments once they become obese. many diseases are caused by being over weight or sedintary.
Fred Christy is a personal trainer who can work with you and help you develop muscles, lose weight, or fight diseases like diabetes who are reversed by exercise. Fred is a personal trainer so call him at 321-276-4084.
Fred Christy is a personal trainer who can work with you and help you develop muscles, lose weight, or fight diseases like diabetes who are reversed by exercise. Fred is a personal trainer so call him at 321-276-4084.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Deep Breathing
I was doing my Tai Chi tape today called Tai Chi For Seniors by Mark Johnson, Tai Chi Instructor and Chi Gung Healer, and he was talking about the importance of deep breathing. It is very beneficial to soothe our nervous systems. It calms our emotions and makes us feel more relaxed. Seniors in general have stopped doing deep breathing, but they should try to do deep, diaphragmatical breathing all the time, every day. It replenishes our blood supply with oxygen and feeds our body. Shallow breathing does not help us like deep breathing, but I wonder why most people do not do it. For your health and well-being . All the Tai Chi moves should be done with deep, diaphragmical breathing.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Zumba is Spanish Dance That is So Much Fun
I tried out just what Zumba class . I was not at all sure what the Zumba class was, but it turned out to be Spanish dancing. It is pretty fast pace of exercise. I did the Rumba, Cha Cha, Salza, etc. The teacher called out all the moves like V step, march, swing your arms, go toward the right corner, go go forward, go backwards, turn to the right, go to the left. I could follow along, but it was my basic fitness teacher was a good dancer and especially knew Latin dances as she had practiced with her Colombian Mother-in-law. I was not able to attend yoga class today, but the class I happened on instead was wonderful for weight loss and learning a fun activity. I was trying to olse some weight on my body since celebrating Easter, my boyfriend's birthday. We bought a grill so we had grilling parties. The grill cooks large amounts of food and we stuff ourselves. Stuffing the belly is what makes a person gain weight. Traveling to visit a person and do Easter dinner was causing the friends to treat them with gifts of their homemade Chocolate Cookie. Friends feel compelled to treat you with their special fattening dessert. Desserts loaded with plus stuffing your belly, causes weight gain. Then become a regular of Zumba Class!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Laughing at Joyfest at Spirit of Joy Church
I was attending at my church a Joyfest that was arranged to celebrate the joy we feel since Jesus came and died for me and paid my price.Different activities were an Improve Comedy Team, Jiggleman who did acrobatic tricks for the younger set as well as adults. He did tricks, like balancing on a big ball. I went on an inflatable bouncing and climbing ride. Two acts were singing, a group from U.CF. called Crescendos sang alcopello and a second singing Christian music with guitarists, drummer, and keyboard players. We decided that laughing was healing and therefore good for our health. Since laughing is healthy as we secrete endorphins. I love to be part of a church celebration that involved so much laughing. Laughing also releases stress in our lives.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Part Of Clinical Trial for New Drug, Dimond
I was lucky enough to find out about a new medication, Dimond. The drug company is paying my way to Atlanta. I am having so much fun meeting Kathy Woods-Severio is so much fun and so is the Doctor Stewart Factor.He said this drug has been good for HD patients. I called one of my old friends from when I was 20 and now I am 56. I am going to meet them next trip I an making trips every two weeks to check on the effects on my body.It is supposed to help my movements andmemory. It is being approved for Alzheimer's Disease and Huntington's, too.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
My Trip to Atlanta Was paid For By Drug Company
I had so much fun in Atlanta. I went to be part of a Clinical Trial for a drug named Dimond made by Medivation, Inc. It is supposed to help movements and memory. It is a drug for Alzheimer's Disease, where people forget things. I am taking it, testing out whether it makes a person smarter or whether it just keeps the person at current level and not change their abilities and not get worse in their disease. I have to have doctor appointments weekly, and then bi-weekly, and finally monthly for 3 months. I was assigned a doctor to have when i am in Atlanta and his name was Dr. Stewart Factor. He moved down from Albany, New York where my Mother lived and I grew up there, too. My doctor asked anyone i my family had Huntington's Disease. I told him my Mother's name was Joan Van Gelder. He was excited to hear her name and said she had beeen one of his clients! i tried to get into Tampa to do the study and they already had their 24 people. i could not go to Tampa. God blessed me by getting the Dimond from Allanta and getting to kno and use my mother's doctor which was very exciting for me! My church was praying for me and that was an answer to prayer.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Private Label Product on Eternal Faith and Fitness
Fred Christy, my boyfriend, added his private label product to his website, His products are anti-aging skin cream, exercise log books, healthy cook books for healthy recipes for his clients to lose weight with, green and lemon green tea flavors, CD with spiritual component for total and complete weight loss. He trained people using these products and now has them for sale on his own website, individually, in pairs, or as a complete package where people save. I am using the coenzyme Q10 skin cream and have taken before and after shots of my face and neck. He is taking his training business to the next level! Congratulations!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
My Yoga Teacher Got Certified in Hypnotherapy
My yoga teacher got certified in hypnotherapy. Her sessions were enhanced by having suggestions of health, peace, and happiness. She added words to her session that enhanced her thoughts with suggestions of blue or violet light, healing their bodies. Her sessions were so liked by the crowd in the room that another teacher last week did not satisfy,but were left without her special words to make their days, week-ends, or lives. I personally got more of her yoga session for my healing also. I do have Huntington's Disease and and her special suggestions for a healing body were directed to me.
My Yoga Teacher Now a Hypnotherapist
My yoga teacher has now become a hypnotherapist. Our sessions are filled with suggestions of being happy, peaceful, and healed. We imagine blue or violet light entering our bodies healing certain thing in our bodies that need healing. It was undetectable of what was going on in the session. She told us 2 weeks before that she got certified as a hypnotherapist. All of the rest of the class did not have any idea of what was going on.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Purchased an Adult Trike
Ipurchased a new Adult Trike 2 days ago. I love my new trike. It is great for me to get exercise! I took some pictures and a video and you can see me riding my trike. I am going to ride at the trail at the YMCA everyday.I had Huntington's Disease, so I could not balance on a two wheel bike anymore. My boyfriend, Fred Christy is riding with me and taking the pictures. I can
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Pet Club at Rejuvenating Solutions
We have a Pet Club at my website, Our pet products from Natural Remenies are a hot item. Americans are replacing their own children with animals as they become "empty nester's". Many people single people are not in a position to have children, so they ease their loneliness by getting a pet. Families with children if they buy a pet, are improving their children as they take care of pets and learn responsibility, kindness, and trustworthiness. People are crazy about their pet! Our Pet Club is very hot now. Send us a picture of your pet for us to make her pet of the month.
Look at these pictures:
Look at these pictures:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Pet Club at Rejuvenating Solutions
We have a new video camera and we have been practicing pictures of the pets around us.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Wellness Presentation for Juice Plus Monday, 2/18/08 at 7:00 p.m.
I am having my first wellness Presentation by my Sponsor, Riki Anne Eloian. She is training me and Fred how to do our own Wellness Presentations to show people how they benefit from taking the Fruits and Vegetables through Juice Plus! I aqm looking forward to doing a presentation where people understand the benefits of the anti-oxidants mising from our depleted diets even though we think we are eating healthy wheen we go to our grocery stores to purchase vegetables and fruits in the food stores.Our spinach in the store has about one-tenth of the nutrients they did 100 years ago. This greatly affects our present day diseases.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
New Camera - Kodak EasyShare
I bought a new camera, Kodak EasyShare for business purposes and for taking pictures and videos of my family or models for the Pet Club. I need my picture taking to be simple and easy. I purchased a 4 gig storage for my picture collection. I can shoot the video while watching the television or computer. I took my first video of Penny the dog that is attached to this blog, so you can see what I am talking about. I am practicing with my video camera as I have never owned a video camera before.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Juice Plus Orchard Blend, Vineyard Blend Capsules for Humans, Gummies, for Dogs, Cats , Meal Replacement, and Thins
I found out about another health and wellness company with outstanding testimonials on the Juice Plus products. My YMCA trainer said her three young children had an Enzyme Deficiency where a doctor told her to feed her sick daughter10 fruits and 10 vegetables a day. She did not have the time to buy and prepare that many fruits and vegetables in her day. Juice Plus blend for children
simplified this mother's live. Juice Plus has anti-oxidants in the fruits and vegetables that our bodies need that seems to be missing from our depleted food supplies. Our bodies are having a hard time staying healthy without anti-oxidants in the food we eat. One Pediatrician gave Juice Plus to a pregnant mom who passed immunities on to her baby. The baby contracted a serious infection that always kills. The baby threw off the disease and is thriving still.
simplified this mother's live. Juice Plus has anti-oxidants in the fruits and vegetables that our bodies need that seems to be missing from our depleted food supplies. Our bodies are having a hard time staying healthy without anti-oxidants in the food we eat. One Pediatrician gave Juice Plus to a pregnant mom who passed immunities on to her baby. The baby contracted a serious infection that always kills. The baby threw off the disease and is thriving still.
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