Spirituality plays a big role in my life. I love the Lord and fellowshipping with His people. Grace Church had a 2nd Anniversary as a church. I get so much from the Pastor Clark Whitton's sermons. They help me so much in my life. Pictures were taken at the fun celebration! I had so much fun celebrating with my church! You can take a look at pictures taken on that day.
Spirituality enhances everyone's life. I have Disciple's Cross on my web-site so I can wear jewelry that shows my faith. It is so tremendously beautiful and people that see it around my neck comment on how beautiful it is. You can give it as a gift to Christian friends or to plant a seed in your non-Christian friends' lives.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Alkaline Diet and Drinks Can Reverse Some
I was interested to read an article that explained the full health benefit of an alkaline acidic balance by eating a green drink. Our nutrients are laking in a lot of our foods and if we concoct a green drink, we supplement our lacking foods. We also tend to eat an over abundance of acidic foods, causing a large imbalance toward bad health. Green drinks contain the ingredients that make it an alkaline drink. Wheat grass in the drink makes it alkaline. Eating fresh squeezed lemon and water is good to drink to hydrate and alkalize the body. Citric fruits, seem to be acidic, but in fact they are alkaline because of the way they digest in the body. It is an excellent food to hydrate and alkaline the body as well.
A book written by Dr. Robert Young explains about the PH Miracle explains which foods are digesting acidic and which foods digest alkaline. He talked about the acidic state being the state of disease. We can alter the bad health in our bodies by eating foods that digest in a certain way, creating the alkaline state.
A book written by Dr. Robert Young explains about the PH Miracle explains which foods are digesting acidic and which foods digest alkaline. He talked about the acidic state being the state of disease. We can alter the bad health in our bodies by eating foods that digest in a certain way, creating the alkaline state.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
I was very interested to read an article about weight loss through yoga. Yoga has been long touted as a relaxation technique that tunes the body, mind, and spirit, leaving them working in harmony. Yoga teachers now say that yoga also leads to weight loss also that is lasting. Yoga techniques like deep breathing helps relieve stress. As you are more relaxed, you eliminate the binge eating caused by emotional eating. Yoga strengthens every muscle of your body and stimulates hormones that increase your metabolism. As you become more nimble, you add more steps to your yoga session and more exercise burns of more calories. I love the invigorating feeling in my body after my yoga work out.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Dr. Andrew Weil and Kimba Arem in "Self-Healing With Sounds and Music" explained how there are energy centers in the body that can start to get out of balance and cause disturbances and illness in the body. We need to be sensitive to the sounds we are letting into our day and judge whether they are doing us good or agitation and imbalances. Indian and Chinese medicine uses energy centers, chakras, in the body that could get out of balance and cause illnesses and disturbances. We have the medium of music that is free and can cause a inexpensive way to effective way to transform your mood or restore psychology aspects of us. The chanting and gong are very powerful instruments that heal our body on by the vibrations. I love the meditation, relaxation part of my Kundalini yoga class when the teacher plays the gong. Our whole world is vibrations, like alpha, beta, delta, theta waves. Sound affects our minds and bodies. Take note that our bodies are made up of 70% water. Prayer is word that words that vibrate and heal our balance or bring enlightenment to the brain. If we play relaxation music, it will soothe us . If we play loud, blaring music, it will agitate us and maybe cause us anxiety.
So how do you think healing is taken place through sounds. All matter vibrates, such as visible light and invisible cosmic rays. God created the Universe with it's own healing mechanism. In India, people chant om for their healing and connection with the universe. The Western world doctors do not recognize the energy that the Eastern style of medicine admits and lives by. Sounds do have a very strong affect on us, calming agitating us. We must be sure we subject ourselves to sounds that heal us, if possible. You should pay close attention to subconscious level of sounds you are hearing.
So how do you think healing is taken place through sounds. All matter vibrates, such as visible light and invisible cosmic rays. God created the Universe with it's own healing mechanism. In India, people chant om for their healing and connection with the universe. The Western world doctors do not recognize the energy that the Eastern style of medicine admits and lives by. Sounds do have a very strong affect on us, calming agitating us. We must be sure we subject ourselves to sounds that heal us, if possible. You should pay close attention to subconscious level of sounds you are hearing.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Health Benefits of AromaTherapy Candle

Relaxation is created by candles. They have a wonderful way of brightening the room. The different scents evoke a different set of feelings.Aroma therapy has been researched for many years and is a valid method of therapy that uses scented materials to treat or cures ailments. Aroma therapy helps the patient relax, relieve stress, and improve one's overall quality of life. I like my candle's scent to tie into the holiday also. Since Halloween is coming soon, let's try to smell cider and cinnamon as a spice. If I am trying to improve my health by scents, it is harmful to my health to eat or give out to children sugary candies. I am going to eat almonds, pine nuts, or MacIntosh apples for my treats this year. I have been researching alkaline foods and all three foods are alkalizing. Decide a healthy food that you can treat yourself, your family and the Trick or Treaters with.Be prepared ahead so the holiday does not slip up on you and you succumb to eating foods that cause tooth decay and harm our health.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
This is me, writing this blog. I didn't even know what a blog was 2 years ago. I know what a log is.. But a blog? My friend, who is a cook, said he cooked them and says he cooks them in the kitchen. How come I have never seen one on the menu? I wonder what they taste like? If I went to a French restaurant, would they have French blogs? I asked my dog about a blog and she barked "Ask the cat in the hat" I asked "The Cat in the Hat". He said blogs are not for dogs.
SCREAMING !!!! I am losing my mind. I guess I am done with blog.
I am going to kick back and enjoy myself. I am going to put on some music and relax. Listen to this. Happy blogging and I will be back tomorrow when I find my mind.
This is me, writing this blog. I didn't even know what a blog was 2 years ago. I know what a log is.. But a blog? My friend, who is a cook, said he cooked them and says he cooks them in the kitchen. How come I have never seen one on the menu? I wonder what they taste like? If I went to a French restaurant, would they have French blogs? I asked my dog about a blog and she barked "Ask the cat in the hat" I asked "The Cat in the Hat". He said blogs are not for dogs.
SCREAMING !!!! I am losing my mind. I guess I am done with blog.
I am going to kick back and enjoy myself. I am going to put on some music and relax. Listen to this. Happy blogging and I will be back tomorrow when I find my mind.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
More time to relax !!!
A person relaxes by listening to melodic music, moving water sounds, looking at candles that are lit, sitting in a hot tub of water, like a jacuzzi. doing yoga stretching, deep breathing,and deep muscle relaxation, tai chi is very energizing, by the moves as well as deep breathing, riding a sail boat, standing on the edge a body of water, like the ocean, streams, or lakes.
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